Lauren Engle 


Ms. Engle serves as Vice President of Power Ten, Inc. focusing on Internal Operations. Ms. Engle has eight plus years of experience supporting Power Ten, Inc., our government customers, and our partners in operations, research, analysis, and administration. Ms. Engle also supports Power Ten as Assistant Facility Security Officer and is the Secretary and Treasurer on the Power Ten Board of Directors. Ms. Engle works directly with her fellow managing shareholders covering a broad spectrum of internal and external company business operations and coordination integral to the success of Power Ten, Inc. Previously, she was Director of Business Operations at Power Ten, Inc., as well as Program Manager for our MACCS in Support of EF-21 Primer contract, she supported Power Ten’s Command and Control Dashboard contract for AC2SN, and provided support on past efforts for the Office of Naval Research providing program management support functions and reporting as the Assistant PM. Before coming to Power Ten, Inc., Ms. Engle was the Operations and Marketing Associate for Shee Atiká Technologies. Ms. Engle graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Minor in Marketing from Hofstra University Hempstead, NY.